GoPro Karma foldable action camera drone has high expectations to meet This week GoPro introduced Karma, a quad rotor foldable aerial drone compatible with the…
Lehmann Aviation Introduces new Professional Mapping Drones The all new L-A series fixed-wing professional mapping drones were recently announced by French…
X PlusOne Camera Drone Can Sprint From 0 to 100 in Midair A new aerial drone project, with a slighlty different approach, seeks for your support…
Overview of Fixed Wing Camera Drones from Lehmann Aviation First introduced in fall 2012 by French company Lehmann Aviation, the LA100 was the…
HEXO+ Autonomous Camera Drone Will Capture Your Stunts from the Sky The HEXO+ is an interesting project launched these days on Kickstarter, with the objective…
AirDog Autonomous Auto-Following Drone Could Be Your Faithful Camera Sidekick AirDog is a very interesting crowdfunding project launched today, a quadcopter drone that can…