Why should I read Smashing Robotics?
Because here you can find the quality information that you need about robotics for both beginners and advanced users. There is not just science or just skill involved, there is also passion for robotics which is present throughout our articles about robots and how they work.
I am also open to publishing the best articles about robots and robotic resources on this blog.
Since 2012, when the blog was started, together with my former colleague we have published dozens of articles about how robots work and how to build them, articles for learning robotics theory, control and programming of robots, how-to guides, detailed presentations of our robotic projects and many many more. We’re dreaming about building the most successful service robots and we’re lucky to be able to share them with our readers. For them we keep focus on innovative technologies and how these can be implemented in order to build better and smarter robots.
We believe in a future where robots will be present in people’s lives and will take care of their needs. We believe in a world where robots live among people and people will be living among robots. For these we are analysing every robot and every part of it, we are looking deep into every robotic technology, and we try to bring you smashing quality information!
Who is behind all of this?
We started as two young automation and computer science engineers passionate about robotics. At some point we have gone separate ways, and now the blog is maintained by me, Dan Mironescu.
Is not so easy to create a robot and I know that, also is not easy to find proper information and I know that too. Everyone has a purpose and I do my best to provide necessary information just a click away to those interested in robotics.
How can I contact you?
You can use the contact form to drop a line. Tell me what you like and especially what you don’t like about this site. 🙂
Where can I follow Smashing Robotics?
You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
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